Journey of a Newbie Blogger

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Journey of a Newbie BloggerBlogging is my new pastime--not just for me, but for Internet-connected people all over the world. It's an activity that spans all age groups and occupations, whether you’re a kid, boy, girl, grandpa or grandma. There are personal blogs, tech blogs, and advertising blogs. Whatever the topic, someone has probably blogged it. Some of us get paid to blog and others pay for the privilege of blogging The Internet made it possible for anyone to publish content to a worldwide audience. The blog format, has made it easier and more convenient. But all blogs are not created equal. Some draw an eager following and others languish in obscurity. Regardless of what are my reasons for blogging, I can make my blog better, more readable and--if it's what you want--more popular. The first step in creating a better blog is asking myself why I’m blogging? What's the purpose of my blog?
Before, blogging is really not for me, before I’ve entered into the world of blogging I was just a simple student in school, taking up computer technician course. When I heard about that one of the students who graduated in ACLC Roxas have won in the SEO contest. I’m really happy because it gives pride to our school. AMA CLC Roxas is the only best computer school in Capiz. And, I’m proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student. The next day, one of the I.T instructors in our school actually encourages me to try blogging. So, I try and I’ve just started last November 26, 2008. Some of my friends give me some tips on how to start to create a blog. They give me also some websites to visit to read more about blogging tips. My blog is nearly one month old on this day, and till this time, as a newbie blogger I almost completely give up or seriously slow down my activity because I feel like it’s not getting anywhere. Sometimes it is also frustrating, it is time consuming and stressful, and of course spending a lot of money on it, yes, money.
But when I saw a growing numbers of visitors even slowly, I still continue what I’ve started. Gaining trust and subscribers is not easy, that I try not to get my expectations unrealistically high. When I saw my blog is on the right track, I’m improving the quality of articles I wrote. Quality is always going to be a somewhat subjective issue, but I know that when I look back at my first blog posts I’m kind of embarrassed at the low level of quality, and I don’t think I’m alone. Growth in quality is natural as you will become more knowledgeable about your topics and as you learn about blogging and writing in general. Blogging could be a tough task for a newbie, and that’s I’m still researching on the net some tips on blogging and how to optimize my blog. I work on something for eight hours and I can bet it will be good. I don’t need to spend that long, however (though that’s how long it took me to craft the first post I wrote). More time means I can refine, format and fill my post with plenty of value. I take my time to really craft my content. Starting a new blog or growing an existing one can certainly be frustrating, as it may seem like you are not on pace to achieve your goals. Like anything worthwhile, building a solid and effective blog will take some time and hard work
When I heard about a mini SEO Contest that will be held at AMA Computer Learning Center Roxas, the contest was sponsored by OptiRed Company. OptiRed announced to all students to compete for a 2-month period SEO Contest to gain the highest position they can achieve on The key phrase for this contest is “Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student”. The contest started last December 10, 2008. The end date is on February 14, 2009. I was so excited to join, coz it will test my skills and ability in optimizing a blog. I think I have enough idea and experience to at least create a post like this. This mini SEO Contest is a good learning experience. It has validated what I thought I knew about search engine optimization and taught me new things about participating in an SEO contest. Until now my journey as a newbie blogger is keeping on the right track, still moving on, blogging is my new past time and SEO contest experience will continue to my journey to success. Thanks for reading. I'm proud who i am and proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student. Hope you like it. If you have something to say you are free to leave a comment.

The AMA Mechatronics Lab

Monday, December 22, 2008
The pioneering spirit of AMAES has spurred the inclusion of a new discipline in its growing list of academic offerings. Mechatronics is a new area of engineering expertise that combines mechanical and electronics engineering and intelligent computer control.
It answers the global demand for the merging of computer science and the manufacturing sector.
To support its pioneering development of the mechatronics discipline, a Php500 Million laboratory facility has been prepared for the hands-on use of AMA students.
The AMA mechatronics laboratory is state of the art where AMA students can explore the boundaries of pneumatics, robotics and artificial intelligence hands-on. We are proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.
Get a glimpse of the AMA Mechatronics Lab and its facilities:
Inside AMA Mechatronics Lab

AMA Computer Learning Center

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student The term Information Technology or IT is a collective reference to the combined fields of computers and information systems. The Era of Information is upon us. More and more people turning witness to the rapid advances in technology, both in the abstract world of theory and in the concrete achievements of sophisticated machines. The driving force of this era is the computer and everything connected with it semiconductor chips, robots, and telecommunications.

Every students of ACLC is proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas student because of many reasons. AMA Computer University is the first and largest ICT University in Asia with an annual student population of 150,000 and more than 200 campuses in the Philippines and other parts of the world. As the pioneer of computer education in the Philippines, it was the first to offer courses in computer science and computer engineering, the first to offer E-Learning with the use of Intralearn, the first to provide one-to-one student-to-computer ratio, the first computer university to offer Mechatronic, the first school in the Philippines to have received ISO 9001 certification, the first premier partner of Microsoft, the first and exclusive partner of Avaya, and the first to branch out to key cities and municipalities in the Philippines.

AMA Computer Learning Center has been in the field of Information and Technology education for many years now, but it has remained as relentlessly dynamic as the technology revolution itself. We keep our stride strong and steady to be where we are at the forefront of innovation. We are proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.

AMA CLC Mini SEO Contest

Saturday, December 20, 2008 OptiRed Company held a mini SEO Contest at AMA Computer Leaning Center Roxas students to compete for a 2-month period SEO Contest to gain the highest position they can achieve on The key phrase for this contest is “Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student”. The contest started last December 10, 2008. The end date is on February 14, 2009. I am a graduating student in one of the best computer school in Roxas City the AMA Computer Learning Center, taking up Computer Technician and Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student. I am also one of the participants in the Mini SEO. In the real SEO world in which one competes on a daily ongoing basis with other websites for top SERPs, having a blog entry name with your target key phrase in it isn't always feasible but it is something I believe should be aimed for. It won't guarantee a top position but it's a step in the right direction to get there.

On the other hand, when participating in a SEO contest, it's a good way to get a fast start and in all likelihood, it will keep you up if you can keep it up with fresh quality content. Back links also have always been the key to ranking well in Google. The challenge is determining what is “related”. When you have a term like “Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student” that means nothing and is related to nothing, it's difficult to determine a relationship.

In a real life scenario, be aggressive in obtaining links that are related to your site or theme. Work with other webmasters and try to get people to mention your site in a blog entry or add a link to a relevant page but again, slow and steady. The web loves fresh content and it doesn't matter if your site is 1 month, 1 year or 10 years old. Providing fresh content will keep the spiders crawling and after all, that is how the web spins.
This mini SEO Contest has been a learning experience for me. It has validated what I thought I knew about search engine optimization and taught me new things about participating in an SEO contest. Although I’m still considered myself as newbie blogger, I’ll still keep on writing quality and informative article. This mini SEO Contest will give a lot of experience not only for me but to all AMA CLC Roxas Student.
I'm sure I would enter another SEO contest in the near future. I’ve heard that the next SEO contest will be Inter-School contest, so which means others schools aside from AMA will also join. That will be a great challenge for me. Although, it is time consuming and stressful, and of course spending a lot of money on it, yes, money. But, still, it’s enjoyable and fun also. And I’m proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student because our school allowed this kind of competition to enhance the skills of students in optimizing a websites or a blog. I’d like to say thanks one more time to OptiRed Company for making this contest a success and a lot of fun.
If you have any suggestions you are free to leave a comment… deeply appreciate it. Thanks for reading!

The System of IntraLearn

Friday, December 19, 2008 learning environment in AMA is made even more remarkable with the introduction of IntraLearn – a web-based learning management system acquired from the United States. It is designed to provide students easy and convenient access to AMA’s extensive chest of digital learning resources. It is in this Portal that students learn to expand their knowledge horizon and embrace new teachings delivered through digital formats. IntraLearn is also instrumental in allowing students, faculty, and experts to come together and discuss ideas that challenge both the learners and teachers. Using the Portal, AMA is bullish in surpassing the limits of traditional learning and in providing its students a revolutionary way of learning. The AMA has also provided an E-learning platform, online access is provided to all AMA students - anytime and anywhere.

Network and Internet Access
Internet access is also granted to all students. Each student is given an internet account allowing them to browse the internet and explore its full potentials- from surfing to downloading of files. AMA’s DS3 Internet connection (45Mbps) and Internet rooms provide students the opportunity to access the Internet and explore the world wide web. In addition, AMA has its Data Center located at its Head Office in Panay to manage and maintain the interconnection to and from campuses. The AMA Data Center houses an arsenal of computer servers and workstations that maintain the integrity, reliability and efficiency of the entire AMA IT infrastructure. With this kind of facilities that AMA provided to all students, we can say that, we are proud to be an AMA CLC roxas student.

The Best 2 Years you can ever have

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student
In just two years, ACLC expands your career potential. With a strong demand for skilled technology experts abroad, get equipped with essential training through our full curriculum programs.

1. Local and International Qualifications.
Aside from the ACLC diploma recognized by TESDA and local industries, you will also receive an additional International Certificate in Computer Studies Issued by the National Computing Center of the United Kingdom (NCC-UK). This qualifies you to work or gain further studies abroad. No need to enroll in a separate work or gain further studies abroad. No need to enroll in a separate program.
2. Graduate with a diploma in 4 semesters or less.
Build and support real-world solutions as in IT professional with our Standard Curriculum or fast track with our Accelerated Curriculum and earn a diploma in less than 2 years.
3. Be a Microsoft-Certified Professional.
Apart from being trained with the latest Microsoft-Licensed software programs, you will also get industry certifications as added advantage.
4. Get an International Certification from CISCO System.
Receive extensive training in installing, maintaining and troubleshooting local area networks (LAN) and become a certified Cisco network professional.
5. Have 80% of your ACLC units credited to the AMA University Degree Program.
The maximum number of units earned by ACLC graduates will be credited to AMA Computer University B.S. degree programs.
6. Earn big savings on our 2-year diploma programs.
ACLC fees are more than competitively priced, Get as much as 50% off the actual market value of our diploma programs.
7. Learn from a curriculum integrated with proprietary technology of international brands.
, CISCO SYSTEM, SMARTFORCE, NCC -- just some of the international affiliates that further enhance our education programs.
8. Get Hired immediately.
The Dual Training System Program assures students of extra income while studying and employment opportunities after graduation. And im proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.

Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student

Proud to be an ama clc roxas student I’m proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student. I am proud that I am one of the luckiest students in Roxas and also in the whole province of Capiz who enrolled in of the best Computer School in Roxas City the AMA Computer Learning Center Roxas Branch. AMA Computer Learning Center offers you the best choice after high school. With comprehensive, full curriculum diploma programs, ACLC will equip you with the necessary training and skills to start-up a career in the field of Information Technology in just 2 years. ACLC provides you with the bigger and better opportunities for the future whether you are a high school graduate, college undergraduate/ graduate and already a practicing professional.

I am a graduating student of ACLC Roxas, taking up Computer System and Network Technology course or Computer Technician. This is also my first time to join in the Mini SEO Contest. This course cover all aspects of diagnosing, installs, troubleshoots, repairs and maintains personal computer systems and maintains, fine tunes, monitors and troubleshoots networks including file servers, workstations, cable, NIC cards, shared resources (printer, hard disks install), network operating system, hubs, switches and routers.

We have also an E-Learning at ACLC. Having pioneered in E-learning, AMA will establish the global online university to make its academic programs accessible to students from all over the world. The online university will feature broadband access, chat rooms, discussion groups, and video conferencing, creating a virtual community of students, well-known professors, and IT practitioners around the globe. We can gain access anytime, anywhere thereby making self-paced learning a reality. Through the online university, AMA will play a dominant role in the field of e-learning. The learning management system (LMS) of AMA is empowered by Intralearn, a leading US-based designer and supplier of LMS. Through AMA's e-learning platform, online access is provided to all AMA students - anytime and anywhere. With AMA E-learning facility and dynamic delivery system, AMA students have access to educational and learning materials that they can explore even at our home, in my friend's house, or even inside the comforts of an internet café. AMA E-Learning program is continuously being developed and it is destined to maintain its dominance in the fields of E-learning. AMA is dedicated in providing us the latest, the best and the cutting-edge E-learning technology. We definitely proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.

The AMA Computer Learning Center is the only and the best Computer school in Capiz that will provide us quality and globally recognized IT-based Education in all levels. The vision of AMA to become the leader and dominant provider of quality and excellent information technology-based education and related services in the global market. I have three reasons why you should also enroll at AMA Computer Learning Center. First, enroll now at ACLC to be globally competitive. Second, enroll at ACLC and get IT university advantage. And lastly, be proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.
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