AMA CLC Roxas Students Learns How to Blog

Sunday, January 4, 2009
The AMA CLC Roxas students learn how to create a blog. Yap! Not just only me but most of the AMA CLC Roxas students learns how to blog from different sections to different year levels. Every blogger must start from the beginning or what we called Newbie blogger, but being a newbie is just a stepping stone for being an expert in search engine optimization. Every blogger must be patient in doing a blog because it is time consuming, stressful and mind cracking hobby. Blogging is one of the sources of income also, so guys, if you wanna earn a little bit of extra money and just don’t rely on your weekly baon, you need more patience and hard work for optimizing a blog.
AMA CLC Roxas students are not just only good in computer troubleshooting and repairs, creating a system or creating software based-accounting but also they have skills in SEO and Blogging, and of course make some extra source of income. Every AMA CLC Roxas students must not stop from learning how to blog, even me is also a student of blogging and I’m still learning. One of the examples to learn more about blogging is searching on the internet about tips on how to optimize a blog, and the other one is joining an SEO contest and learn and gain experience from it on how to optimize a blog just like a mini SEO contest in AMA CLC. AMA CLC Roxas students join in this contest is to gain experience and learned from it, and to test their patience as well. Most AMA CLC Roxas student participants for the said contest are all newbie blogger but who ever win in this mini SEO contest will not stop learning the basic fundamentals of blogging. Keep on searching and hard work will pay a good result someday. A fruit of success. Proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas Student.


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