Webblogkoto Current Position in Google

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Current position in Google After December 31 updates by Google, everybody have their own pagerank update. Everybody seems happy to see their blog or site got rank and me also. Almost a month this blog take a part on AMA mini SEO competition with a keyphrase proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas student, and during that moment, there are a lot of things happened here. For the very first time, Webblogkoto blog was not even seen in the first page neither in second page. If I am not wrong, Webblogkoto blog move to the fourth page, 5 days after one of my article published. Then after that, it needed more than a week to compete in the first hundred pages. And finally as you can see today, Webblogkoto’s proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas student article current position is now in fourth page among other competitors and it seems that it declining to the fifth pages.
Was it really bad? Yes, I know that. Although I always work hard to boost its position, I keep updating it with new article but I must admit that this AMA mini SEO test is very hard to manipulate. Unlike boosting the keywords that never been competed, boosting AMA mini SEO competition not only need more than quantity back links and quality content, but also need high quality backlinks.
Of course finding high quality backlink is very difficult because I have to spend a little bit money for it which is I don’t have money, that’s pretty hard. So far, what I can do just spreading my proud to be an AMA CLC Roxas student article backlink through blogwalking. I hope blogwalking is working. Other than that, I have no idea. If some of you have another trick for my AMA mini SEO, please let me know here, I will be very much appreciated. Thanks.


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